About Him : Dato' Mohd.Nadzmi Mohd.Salleh

PROTON Holdings Bhd is pleased to announce the appointment of Dato’ Nadzmi Mohd Salleh as the new Chairman for the company effective from 1
January 2009.

Dato’ Nadzmi will replace the outgoing chairman Dato’ Mohd Azlan Hashim who has been in PROTON since December 2004. Dato’ Azlan, 51 was
appointed PROTON Director on 17 December 2004 and assumed the position of Chairman on 7 February 2005.

Dato’ Nadzmi, 54 is currently the executive chairman of Nadicorp Holdings Sdn Bhd.

Dato’ Nadzmi graduated with Master of Arts in Economics and Statistics from Miami University, Florida as well as Bachelor Degree in Arts in
Economics and Bachelor Degree in Science in Chemistry and Mathematics from Ohio University.

He is no stranger to PROTON, having served as Managing Director of Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Sdn Bhd from 1993 to 1996 and was Deputy
Managing Director of the company from 2 November 1992. He has also held various senior positions in Edaran Otomobil Nasional Bhd, including as
Executive Director and Chief Executive Of

Dato’ Nadzmi is a director of several companies including Ranhill Utilities Bhd, JT International Bhd, VS Industry Bhd, Kumpulan Kenderaan
Malaysian Bhd, Syarikat Kenderaan Melayu Kelantan. He was also appointed as Director and Deputy Chairman of Proton Edar Sdn Bhd with effect from
22 September 2005.

Dato’ Nazdmi is currently the President of The Badminton Association of Malaysia.

The Super Dad..Dato' Nadzmi Salleh

Sebaik melangkah masuk ke rumah Pengerusi Proton Holdings Bhd. Datuk Nadzmi Mohd. Salleh penulis memang kagum dengan keunikan hiasan dalaman dan susun atur perabut yang tersusun rapi di banglo dua setengah tingkat miliknya di Subang. Hati kecil penulis berdetik, sangat bertuah beliau mempunyai seorang isteri yang pandai menghias rumah. Kemudian kedatangan penulis dan jurugambar disambut mesra oleh anak sulung beliau Mohd Hariz bersama dua adiknya dan sangat jelas mereka semua memiliki iras bapa mereka yang berkulit cerah.

Tidak lama kemudian lima dari enam anaknya berkumpul di ruang khas untuk tetamu dan bersalaman dengan penulis. Selesai bersalaman mereka kembali bermain, bergurau dan bergelak ketawa di ruang yang sama tanpa segan silu dan bagi penulis semua kemesraan ini diluahkan secara ikhlas dan jujur walaupun berbeza jarak usia.

Agak melekakan melihat keletah dan kemesraan yang ditunjukkan mereka sehinggakan penulis sendiri tidak menyedari kemunculan Nadzmi. Sebaik menyapa dan bersalaman dengan penulis telefon bimbit beliau berbunyi dan meminta maaf kerana terpaksa menjawabnya atas urusan kerja.

Ironinya, jika diteliti kehidupannya yang senantiasa sibuk sebagai Pengerusi dan Ahli Lembaga Pengarah berpuluh-puluh syarikat selain menjadi Presiden Persekutuan Badminton Malaysia (BAM) sememangnya masa bagi beliau dilihat sangat berharga. Maka tidak menghairankan walaupun ketika pertemuan ini berlangsung ia merupakan hari cuti umum namun urusan dan bebanan kerja akan turut mengekori beliau ke mana saja beliau berada.

Sebaik sahaja selesai menjawab telefon, Nadzmi yang kelihatan segak berpakaian kemeja dan seluar jeans hitam kembali menyapa penulis. Sepanjang perbualan, beliau dengan jujur menyerlahkan sifatnya yang ramah dan mesra serta sentiasa merendah diri walaupun beliau sendiri adalah seorang tokoh korporat yang disegani.

Namun entah bagaimana tiba-tiba topik perbualan kami bertukar kepada topik wanita bagaimana yang boleh dijadikan sebagai calon isteri. Penulis yang agak terperanjat kemudian dijelaskan bahawa beliau kini telah menjadi bapa tunggal sejak lebih setahun yang lalu.

Dengan penjelasan beliau itu, naluri kewartawanan penulis membuak-buak untuk mengorek lebih lanjut tentang perkara itu. Namun beliau lebih senang tidak mahu membesar-besarkan perkara itu dan sejak kedua mereka berpisah memang ramai yang tidak mengetahui tentangnya.

Namun beliau menjelaskan apa yang berlaku adalah kerana mereka berdua sudah tidak ada persefahaman lagi dan perpisahan mereka telah diselesaikan dengan baik.

"Kadang-kadang saya pelik kenapa ada pasangan yang berpisah seolah-olah terpaksa berperang sedangkan apa yang berlaku membabitkan dua orang dewasa.


"Bagi saya apa yang hak perlu diberikan dan penyelesaian terbaik perlu dicari kerana apa yang berlaku pasti akan memberi kesan kepada anak-anak jika tidak diuruskan dengan baik," katanya.

Memang ada kebenaran di sebalik kata-katanya tadi namun bagi Nadzmi apa yang penting kesemua anak-anaknya memilih untuk tinggal bersama beliau. Beliau sangat bersyukur dengan pilihan anaknya itu kerana tidak pernah memaksa anak-anaknya untuk tinggal bersamanya.

Beliau juga tidak pernah menghalang anak-anaknya untuk berjumpa atau keluar dengan ibu mereka pada bila-bila masa.

"Rumah saya senantiasa terbuka untuk bekas isteri saya datang menjenguk mahupun melakukan apa saja aktiviti dengan anak-anak. Walaupun kami telah berpisah, tidak bermakna hubungan dan keakraban kami sebagai bapa dan ibu kepada anak-anak kami terputus," kata Nadzmi.

Bukan untuk mengangkat dirinya namun beliau berbangga kesemua anaknya memanggilnya dengan gelaran super dad dan semua ini mungkin kerana keakraban dan nilai didikan yang diberikan selama ini.

Katanya setiap pagi beliau akan mengejut anak-anaknya untuk bersolat Subuh berjemaah sebelum memberikan tazkirah untuk dikongsi bersama.

Ujar Nadzmi lagi satu perkara yang mungkin membuatkan anak-anaknya itu terus "melekat" dengannya adalah tentang keupayaan dan kehandalan beliau di dapur. Mungkin benar kerana rezeki yang dikurniakan oleh Tuhan dan kemudian dimasak menggunakan air tangan sendiri untuk dihidangkan kepada anak-anak mampu memberikan keberkatan yang berganda.

Mungkin pelik apatah lagi dengan kerjanya yang sibuk mana mungkin beliau mempunyai masa untuk memasak. Tapi hakikatnya memasak adalah hobi dan perkara yang paling diminati sejak dahulu. Beliau telah didedahkan dengan keupayaan dan resipi-resipi masakan Melayu sejak dari kecil memandangkan arwah ibu dan ibu tirinya memang handal memasak.

Malah ketika melanjutkan pelajaran di Universiti Ohio Amerika Syarikat (AS), beliau senantiasa mencuba pelbagai resipi tempatan maklumlah ketika zaman belajar bukan ada duit sangat. Kerinduan terhadap masakan Melayu juga sering membuatkan beliau mengasah bakatnya itu ketika berada di sana. Memandangkan Nadzmi juga merupakan Presiden Persatuan Pelajar Muslim Universiti Ohio, sering saja beliau menghidangkan makanan tempatan kepada ahli-ahli persatuannya.

Lebih istimewa lagi kemahiran memasak beliau bukan sahaja memasak masakan Melayu terutama masakan Kelantan namun beliau juga berupaya memasak masakan Jepun, Cina dan juga makanan Barat.

Kesempatan melihat sendiri keupayaan beliau memasak sambil dibantu anak-anaknya memang menghiburkan. Apatah lagi beliau mempunyai dapur khas untuk memasak dan kesempatan ini digunakan sepenuhnya oleh beliau untuk merapatkan hubungan dengan anak-anak.


Memang benar keakraban beliau bukan dibuat-buat malah hubungan mesra anak-beranak ini bukan berlaku ketika berada di meja makan malah sebelum masakan tersebut disediakan lagi.

"Saya memang seorang yang sangat sibuk dan waktu terbaik bagi saya untuk mengadakan hubungan yang berkualiti dengan anak-anak adalah ketika memasak bersama dan kemudian menikmati hidangan yang disediakan secara bersama.

"Saya bukanlah seorang bapa yang terlalu mengikut kehendak anak-anak dan bila perlu saya akan bertegas dengan mereka. Namun mereka faham dengan cara didikan dan saya berasa sangat bertuah dan bersyukur kami sekeluarga sangat rapat dan saling mengambil berat antara satu sama lain," kata Nadzmi.

Selain memasak beliau juga mempunyai beberapa hobi lain antaranya menunggang motosikal berkuasa tinggi, kereta kawalan jauh dan beberapa lagi. Namun sejak diserang penyakit angin ahmar beberapa bulan lalu, beliau yang kini dilihat semakin pulih sepenuhnya lebih menumpukan kepada hobi bercucuk tanam.

Kawasan lapang di tepi rumahnya kini dipenuhi pelbagai tumbuhan-tumbuhan seperti kacang panjang, petola, pokok cili dan pelbagai lagi.

"Pokok-pokok ini saya usahakan sendiri pada masa lapang dan jika anak-anak saya tidak mempunyai urusan lain mereka juga akan turut bersama bercucuk tanam.

"Mungkin pokok yang ditanam tidak sebanyak mana tetapi saya berasa puas melihat apa yang saya usahakan berjaya selain ia turut membantu mengeluarkan peluh yang baik untuk kesihatan," kata lelaki berusia 56 tahun itu.

Tempoh pertemuan yang berlangsung lebih dua jam ini sememangnya banyak mendedahkan sisi sebenar kehidupan Nadzmi di sebalik kewibawaannya sebagai tokoh korporat yang dihormati. Namun mungkin tidak lengkap kehidupannya yang serba berjaya jika masih belum mempunyai isteri.

Beliau yang ketawa besar ketika diaju soalan berkenaan hanya menjawab memang ramai yang cuba menghimpitnya.

"Itu memang saya tidak nafikan. Hidup mungkin agak sunyi tanpa seorang isteri di sisi. Apatah lagi dengan kedudukan saya ramai yang cuba untuk menghimpit termasuklah mereka yang bergelar artis dan pelakon popular.

"Malah anak-anak juga tidak menghalang malah mereka pula menggalakkan saya mencari isteri yang berusia lebih muda,".

Namun bagi beliau apa yang penting calon isterinya nanti mestilah saling tertarik antara satu sama lain.

"Kami perlulah saling tertarik secara fizikal antara satu sama lain kerana dari situlah keikhlasan sebenar akan terluah namun itu semua soal jodoh dan saya akan berserah kepada-Nya jika sudah sampai serunya nanti," kata Nadzmi ketika mengiringi penulis ke luar rumah sebelum menyambut seorang lagi kenalan juga atas urusan kerja.

Iklan Colgate

About Him : Dato' Amrin Awalludin

Dato' Amrin is the Group Managing Director of Media Prima Berhad. Prior to that, he was the Group Advisor, Chief Executive Officer of Sistem Televisyen Malaysia Berhad ("TV3") and Chief Operating Officer of Media Prima. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) from Acadia University, Canada and Master of Business Administration (Finance) with Distinction from University of Hull, England.

He assumed the position of Chief Financial Officer of Sistem Televisyen Malaysia Bhd ("TV3") in November 2001 with responsibilities, which include amongst others, to implement the restructuring and turnaround of TV3 and The New Straits Times Press (M) Bhd ("NSTP"). Completion of the restructuring of these former media assets of Malaysian Resources Corporation Berhad ("MRCB") in September 2003 led to the incorporation of Media Prima and his appointment as its Group Chief Financial Officer. Dato' Amrin played a pivotal role in transforming Media Prima into an integrated media group with a solid financial position. He was involved in the acquisitions and restructurings of 8TV in 2003, ntv7, TV9, Hot FM and Fly FM in 2005 which contributed to the consolidation of the domestic TV industry and Media Prima's maiden expansion into radio.

During his tenure as the Chief Executive Officer of ntv7 (January 2006 - March 2008), Dato' Amrin led a team which formulates and implements the financial and operational turnaround of the network, and the repositioning of the ntv7 brand.

He was involved in the successful acquisition of Big Tree Outdoor Sdn Bhd and the eventual consolidation of Media Prima's outdoor business through the acquisitions of Utusan Pearl & Dean Sdn Bhd and The Right Channel Sdn Bhd.

He sits on the Board of Media Prima's subsidiaries amongst them TV3, Ch-9 Media Sdn Bhd, Natseven TV Sdn Bhd, TV3 Network Ltd Ghana, Tiga Events Sdn Bhd, Grand Brilliance Sdn Bhd and Synchrosound Studio Sdn Bhd.

Dato' Amrin is the Vice Chairman of Content Forum Commission of Malaysia (CMCF), and a Board Member of Kuala Lumpur Business Club (KLBC). A self-regulatory body, the CMCF was established in February 2001 to govern content and address content related issues in line with the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Content Code. A networking, support and business development organization for leadership among businessmen and professionals, KLBC is the voice of Malaysian business champions to reinforce economic growth and corporate responsibility through proactive programmes including discussions, debates and forums.

Prior to joining TV3 and Media Prima, Amrin was with Amanah Merchant Bank Berhad, the Senior General Manager overseeing group finance and group corporate affairs at Renong Berhad, and the Chief Operating Officer of Putera Capital Berhad.

Your 10 Questions: Datuk Amrin Awaluddin

From corporate finance to turning around companies and now, the boss of a TV station (TV3), you can say Datuk Amrin Awaluddin has seen and done plenty. He takes time to “work the answers” to readers’ questions during his car journey to Kuala Pilah, Negri Sembilan to meet with viewers.

1.During this economic turmoil, most companies tend to resort to cost-cutting such as staff layoffs, etc. What do you think of recent remarks that CEOs and top executives should also take a pay cut? - Al Aina Salle, JB

As leaders we should set an example especially during this challenging period. At times, sacrifices need to be made to ensure the survival of an organisation.

These sacrifices should be made across the organisation irrespective of rank and position. To obtain the “buy-in” of colleagues and employees, the senior management and CEOs should “walk the talk”. It will be counter- productive and ineffective if such initiatives merely apply to selected divisions and groups of employees. However, cost-cutting should not be done indiscriminately as some cost items are revenue drivers and/or are critical to operations.

Reducing manpower should be the last resort. It should be a result of scaling down operations rather than mere cost-cutting. Recruitment and training can be very expensive when the economy turns around.

2.Prior to this, you were the boss of another TV station – ntv7 – which is relatively more hip and lively. Have you tried to liven things up at TV3 or is that hard to do?Zai, PJ -

The culture and traits of TV3 and ntv7, though different, have certain similarities. Both are creative, lively, resourceful and passionate. The differences represent their respecting branding and positioning. The brand essence dictates the “look and feel”, theme and other facets of positioning.

TV3, being the number one station for the last 25 years, has a dynamic and a passionate workforce. You can see this in the quality of TV3’s final product, namely the activities and programmes which we have created. We have a professional workforce who are so committed that it is hard sometimes to get them to actually take a good long break. At times, it is inspiring for me to be among them.

3.There are too many Malay shows on TV3 during prime time. Will you consider airing top TV series like American Idol, Desperate Housewives and Lost? Repeats of these shows are fine as we in east Malaysia (except Astro subscribers) are deprived of enjoying 8TV. - Robert, Kota Kinabalu

TV3 is part of a bouquet of channel offerings under Media Prima Bhd, and each of these channels adopts different positioning and serves a varied target audience. In this context, TV3 serves the mass market audience while 8TV serves young urban dwellers. Hence, the offerings showcased by these channels cater to their respective target audiences.

The idea of repeats is something which we will seriously consider. Perhaps not during the prime time; maybe during late evenings. These series will provide variety.

On an interesting note, 8TV will be expanding its coverage to east Malaysia, namely Kota Kinabalu and Kuching, soon. Economic conditions permitting, you may be able to view 8TV on terrestrial broadcast by early next year.

4. Who is your favourite designer? - Jenny Liew, Kuala Lumpur

I don’t have any particular favourite designer. As long as the designs are nice, of good quality and reasonably priced, I’m happy. However, I do like local designers, in particular Faisol Abdullah, the designer for Jendela Batik. His designs are nice and affordable. It is encouraging to see during Malaysian International Fashion Awards 2008, the emergence of young local designers making inroads into the local and international scenes.

5.What is it like to dictate what 25 million people should or should not watch? - Chelsea Oh, Petaling Jaya

The role of media and TV3 is to inform, educate and entertain.

Currently there are six free terrestrial TV channels and almost 100 channels available for the Malaysian public via pay-TV and IPTV platforms. As such, viewers now have choices. With numerous options, viewers will “channel surf” or switch to other channels if they don’t like what they see.

Our decision on programming (including content and activity), among others, is based on the following:

(a) Feedback from viewers which we obtain via focus group, surveys, direct interaction (online, phone-ins) and via on-ground activation;

(b) Current trend and popular requests;

(c) Success of a programme as determined by viewership share and ratings;

(d) Success of a programme, in other markets worldwide; and

(e) Relevance of a programme to society and current issues.

We need to ensure our content is relevant and we need to “connect” with our viewers. Gone are the days when a TV station can “dictate” what viewers should or should not watch.

6.In a week, how many hours on average do you spend watching TV, TV3 specifically, Astro and DVDs? How many hours of reading do you do in a week? - Mohd Zainah Ali, Petaling Jaya

I do not keep track of how many hours I spend watching TV and DVDs. But I do spend a lot of time watching TV, at the office and at home; it is part of my job. It is a regular feature in my daily routine, while having dinner, lunch or whenever possible, I will take a “peek” at the TV set at times, even during meetings, which is a bit rude. Media is dynamic. I need to know the latest trends and news, and monitor what my competitors are doing.

Similarly, in the media, you have to invest in reading and research through all key platforms. I even “google” and “YouTube” to have a feel of consumers’ trends for content, be it entertainment or information. It helps me understand our viewers, the choices they make and the things they are exposed to.

7.Having travelled widely, been in finance, now broadcasting and raising a family, what would you consider your biggest challenge? - Patrick Daniel, Petaling Jaya

My biggest challenge now has to be balancing work commitments and spending time with my family.

The media industry is very demanding. It is dynamic and things change rapidly. We have consumers and clients who are discerning and spoilt for choice. We have competitors who have made TV3 a benchmark and are on our back 24/7. We have a huge base of stakeholders – 25 million viewers, competitors, customers and regulators. It gets difficult to satisfy everyone’s needs.

To make it more challenging, I have two young boys who crave for their father’s attention and whose company I absolutely enjoy.

8.Are more people staying home to watch TV these days to cut back spending? - Charles M, Petaling Jaya

It is difficult for us to gauge this directly. However, based on AGB Nielsen reports, there seems to be an increase in total viewership in the second half of 2008 compared to earlier periods. Reports did mention that retailers and outlets are reporting slow patronage and spending since early this year compared to before. But there’s no evidence of a direct correlation between TV viewership and the economic crisis, though common sense dictates that people consume less and spend more time at home during this economic crunch.

There is a looming pessimism on the current scenario and economic crisis. We need to rebuild confidence.

9.How familiar are you with your viewers’ likes/dislikes? - Patrick Arumugam, Kuala Lumpur

It’s a continuous process. We try to understand and familiarise ourselves with our target market. As with other consumers, our viewers are dynamic. They are affected by trend, fashion and demographics.

Who is going to be the next big star? What is the next big song? What is in? What is not? Sometimes, we play a pivotal role in setting the trends. At times, we complement and magnify what our viewers want.

To do this, we stay “close” to our viewers, to understand what excites them, and what affects their lives. We read about them, learn about them and listen to them. We are always reminded by our colleagues that “we live, eat and breathe our viewers”.

TV3 is connected to the viewers through our ground activities such as Karnival Jom Heboh, School Attack, Junior Sports Carnival and Reading Room. We communicate and interact with them “face to face”. Through these activities we feel the pulse of the viewers and get instant feedback. We just recently launched Kembara TV3 in which we visited small and secluded kampung and towns across the country.

10. If you were given three wishes, what would they be? - YT Wong, Petaling Jaya

I have 3 simple wishes:

· That TV3 remains the top TV station in Malaysia and the leading reference point as a source of news, education, entertainment and information across all media platforms. TV3 can be viewed worldwide via www.tv3.com.my and we have viewers as far as Philadelphia, the US and even Auckland, New Zealand.

That this challenging period and economic crisis will be short-lived with a swift recovery. And that we take this opportunity to “stock-take” and review areas that need reforms or improvement.

That I am able to spend more quality time with my family and loved ones. I am doing it now, but I wish to do more. Confucius said: To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order, to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order, to put the family in order we must cultivate our personal life.